Škodljivi vplivi tobačnih izdelkov.

Workshop on addictions and snus

On Tuesday, June 6th 2023, the 2AK class had a workshop on prevention. It was led by Mr. Lindner from the Provincial Government Office. The workshop took place during the fourth school period and lasted until the sixth school period.

At the beginning, Mr. Lindner told us about snus, how it works and how it can be dangerous. He also reported interesting stories about people who took snus and then had to face severe consequences, and we all got goosebumps listening to it. Moreover, we learned how alcohol might affect the human body in a negative way. We were able to assign different alcoholic beverages to different age groups in the class. Additionally, he advised us not to run away from the police in case we were drunk. We ended up talking about drug and alcohol addiction, K.O.-drops and how we can be save at parties.

As a class, we are happy to have had the opportunity to have Mr. Lindner come to our class!

Luka Lah, 2AK


V petek, 26.5.2023, smo na naši šoli imeli v sklopu programa “Zdrava šola” delavnici na temo škodljivi tobačni izdelki, o odvisnosti in o negativnih vplivov in posledic na zdravje ter o možnih prevencijskih ukrepov. Gospod Christian Lindner BA  je z dijakinjami in dijaki govoril tudi o veljavni zakonitosti  te teme in kakšno delo opravljajo kriminalisti v sklopu te tematike.